Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Universe, My Truth

My well-read copy of P&P and the Jane Austen bust I bought in Bath, England on my pilgrimage

You may recognize the title of this blog as a contracted version of the first line of Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride and Prejudice. It seems appropriate since I am a devotee of both Jane Austen and P&P. It also describes what this blog will do - give materiality to my truths, the truths of my universe. I walk around with lovely and sometimes even profound sentences and paragraphs floating around in my head but most of them never make it beyond that point. When I sit down to write I am interrupted or rushed or needed elsewhere - you get the picture, I'm sure, because you probably live a similar life.

This blog, however, represents a new commitment to my inner writer. It is my attempt to cultivate and honor the muse on a daily basis plus combine all the hobbies and interests and passions that fill my mind and heart. I want to figure out why they are meaningful to me and share them with others. Sometimes I will just want to share, period - for instance, the next time I make my Chicken Sausage Gumbo I plan to post the recipe and take photos as I create. I can almost guarantee anyone who stumbles on this blog and tries this recipe will love it!

I will also want to share the wisdom and understanding I have accumulated through my 50+ years of life. What is the point of reading and learning if what you learn is kept only to yourself or possibly spread to a few close friends and family members? There is so much we can learn from each other and I wish I had learned more from those who came before me. Wisdom should not be hoarded! Not that I am the wisest person ever to breathe but I do think a lot and occasionally that does result in a philosophical pearl or two. I will try to put those precious gems of understanding into words so others may take a shortcut to their "Aha!" moment.

Often I will summarize some new things I have learned or new perspectives gained through whatever podcasts I'm listening to or whatever book I am reading. Sometimes I may just vent or reflect on the whys and wherefores of modern life. Even then, however, I will try to come to some kind of useful conclusion because there is too much to learn in this world to waste time on writing with no purpose other than complaint.

I will also get political sometimes. I can't help it, I swim in this stuff and most of the professional writing I do is political. Since I was a child I have loved American history and the ideas and values that created this nation. I believe in freedom and liberty and love studying the ideas which form the basis for classical liberalism or libertarianism or the freedom philosophy or whatever you wish to call it. I believe in natural rights and the obligation each human being has to live his or her life to the fullest extent of his or her talents and abilities. I believe in maximum freedom so we each may achieve our potential.

I trust people to know what is best for themselves, their families and their communities. I believe neighbors can and should help neighbors when times are tough, though that must come through persuasion and never force. I believe government and society are and should remain two separate entities and it is the role of society to determine the social order. Because government represents force I believe its only legitimate role is as a protector of individual rights. It does not exist to level the playing field or furnish the many needs and wants of humankind because to do so necessarily implies forcing some to behave as government demands rather than as conscience and character dictate. There is also often difficulty in distinguishing between needs and wants. However well-intentioned,  government usually deteriorates into a corrupt entity which exists mainly to justify its existence and therefore should be minimal.

I will also take on modern culture, literature, sports and anything else that piques my interest and inspires the muse. I hope some of what I write will also inspire you and I hope you will feel free to comment, argue, expound and participate. All I ask is that we keep it polite - it is what Jane Austen would want.

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